
The overall purpose of the Conrad Pond Restoration Project is to clean and restore the pond behind Conrad High School as well as the surrounding areas of White Rock Creek.

During heavy rains, the White Rock Creek floods into a depression behind the high school and leaves logs and debris behind when the water recedes. While efforts to clean the pond have been made by the school and student volunteers, the trash patch in lake is growing too quickly for any substantial cleaning to be accomplished. As a result, Conrad High School reached out to the UTD EPICS program in hopes of finding an efficient and cost-effective solution to their pond issue.

As of Spring 2021, this project will be led by the UTD EPICS team, AquaRes.  We are the fourth team to take up the Conrad Pond Restoration Project, inheriting it from the Pond Pack of Fall 2020. This semester, our goal is to combine our own research with the previous research of the Project Capricorn and try to come up with an effective solution for the problem.

Hopefully we can learn about different forms of conservation, restoration, and project management as the semester progresses, but one thing is for certain: we want to turn the polluted Conrad Pond into a green space everyone can enjoy!