
Trusted World

Welcome to the Trusted World website!

Trusted World is a non-profit organization that distributes resources to people and relief organizations who are providing services on someone else’s behalf. Trusted World was established to help resolve situational poverty by providing a more effective donation process while tapping into a naturally built distribution system – first responders, social workers case managers, crime victims advocates, school counselors, etc. They are responsible for relief efforts in the Dallas Metroplex and beyond. The EPICS Trusted World team is currently working on a system that efficiently routes delivery orders to clients for Trusted World drivers and allows delivery drivers to change their route based on their discretion.

Trusted World Main Implementation:
  • We are building a route planning automation system for Trusted World that will plan/create drivers’ routes for the day based off of scheduled deliveries in the database. Drivers will be given generated routes and there will be a user interface on the web application for Trusted World staff to alter routes/ edit scheduling as well. Current semester plan will be to finish connecting the database with the existing routing program, complete testing, and develop the web application for the module.
Learn more about Trusted World

Helping People Help People